Security Advice

Security is about prevention, and if that isn’t always possible, then striving for the minimization of loss or damage. The concept is to maximize the deterrence to a would-be thief, by making it as difficult as possible to enter your Home or Business.

And there are some fundamental things that each of us can do, to safeguard our property. Some of the things should be part of our fundamental approach to security, and they don’t have to cost large amounts of money.

Here are a few ideas to help keep your property, and you safer –

Windows and Doorsthese are the usual entry methods for thieves. So many people either don’t check that these ‘entrances’ are locked, or the locks are inadequate. Ensure that quality locks are fitted, and deadlocks are used. And door hinges are good quality and not exposed when the door is shut.

Hiding placesCan you make the area surrounding your house more exposed so that potential thieves cannot hide while they are trying to gain entry? Safeguard your house by reducing the amount of shrubs or lattices around your house.

Lights - Proper lighting with movement sensors are great for welcoming friends and for keeping strangers away.

Other ways to enter - Make sure there are no ladders or boxes that thieves could use to climb up to second-story windows or onto the roof and through a skylight. Large wheelie bins also provide a good “ladder” to gain access to windows at a higher level.

Garages and sheds - In many houses there are lots of items of value stored in garages or sheds, but with either no locks or very poor locks in use. Upgrade these locks to discourage unwanted people. And make sure that tools are not left lying around but properly stored in the garage or shed.

Keys - Have you ever left a key under a mat or ‘hidden’ in a pot plant? Then promise yourself that you will not do that again. If you have lost a key (or the children have), then change the locks! And for ease of use (and a smaller bunch of keys) have the main door keys synchronized.

Valuables - If someone does break into the house, they will aim for the most expensive, smallest and easiest to sell items. Money has each of those three features, and if the money can be seen through, say, a bedroom window, then that is an added incentive for a would-be thief to try harder to break-in. The best place for jewelry (when not being worn), is in a safe in your home, or with really expensive or irreplaceable items, in a safety-deposit box. Other small items in the house, such as an IPOD or DVD should be branded by using an inexpensive engraving device to engrave your driver’s license number. This obviously will reduce the resale value of these items, and make it easy for the police or other trusted people to return your items if found.

InsuranceAny valuable items should also be listed on a spreadsheet and (if you have the time and wherewithal) attach photos. This could be of help when claiming on your insurance policy. And, have you checked your insurance policy recently? – Some insurance companies provide discounts if a monitored alarm is installed.

AlarmsConsider an alarm system, with motion and entry detectors, an alarm and light, and perhaps a back-to-base alarm system. And then place stickers on the window/s and door/s to discourage those thieves!

Going away? - There is a list of things that you should do to help protect your house when you go on holidays.

- Cancel newspaper deliveries
- Advise your trusted neighbours that you will be away, so that they know there should be no noise coming from your house
- Ask someone to collect the mail for you
- Set lights to come on at various hours of the evening to have it appear that someone is home
- Deadlock doors and windows including garage & sheds
- Activate your telephone message recorder or divert it to another number
- Advise your security provider of your absence and provide contacts for neighbours or friend

How To Reduce Crime In Your Neighborhood

While we don’t like to talk about it – or even think about it -
crime is on the increase throughout the world.
The number of burglars, car thieves, Home Invasions, purse
snatchers, etc., is growing at an alarming rate. Now you, as
a resident, working with neighbours can help reduce the crime rate.

How? By organizing and/or joining a neighbourhood program in
which you and your neighbours get together to learn how to
protect yourselves, your family, your home and your property.
Working together, you can get the criminals off your street
and out of your area.

There’s safety in numbers and power through working with a
group. You’ll get to know your neighbours better, and working
with them you can reduce crime, develop a more united
community, provide an avenue of communications between
police and the public, establish on-going crime prevention
techniques in your neighborhood, and renew public interest

How To Protect Your Home While Away

Be sure to lock before you leave, and if possible let a trusted neighbour have a key.
When leaving your home, practice the following advice – it could
pay big, big dividends.

A residence which presents a “lived-in” appearance is a deterrent
to burglars. Never leave notes that can inform a burglar that
your house is unoccupied. Make certain all windows and doors
are secured before departing. An empty garage advertises your
absence, so close the doors.

When going out at night, leave one or more interior lights on
and perhaps have a radio playing. Timers may be purchased that will turn lights
on and off during your absence.

Do not leave door keys under flower pots or doormats, inside
an unlocked mailbox, over the doorway, or in other obvious

When Planning Holidays or Prolonged Absences

Discontinue newspaper, and other deliveries by phone or
in person ahead of time. Do not leave notes.

Arrange for lawn care and have someone remove advertising
circulars and other debris regularly.

Notify the New Zealand Post to forward your mail or have a
trustworthy person pick it up daily. Apartment tenants
should also heed this hint since stuffed mail receptacles are
a give-away when no one is home.

Inform neighbours of your absence so they can be extra alert
for suspicious persons. Leave a key with them so your place
may be periodically inspected. Ask them to vary the positions
of your shades and blinds.

If you find a door or window has been forced or broken while
you were away, DO NOT ENTER. The criminal may still be
inside. Use your cellphone or a neighbour’s phone immediately to summon police.

Do not touch anything or clean up if a crime has occurred.
Preserve the scene until police inspect for evidence.

1. Lock before you leave.
2. Trust a neighbour with a key.
3. Be a concerned neighbor – yourself.

Contact us today

if you are ready to increase your security. We offer a wide range of options to fit any situation or budget. Just email us via and we will call you for an obligation free chat or appointment.