CCTV is great and more so when it is regularly serviced.
Mantrac Security Systems offers design, installation and maintenance of CCTV systems.
What CCTV Servicing includes –
Check history of CCTV system since last maintenance service
Visual inspection of all major CCTV components for signs of deterioration or damage
Check all CCTV control equipment (monitors, VCR, DVR, Multiplexer etc.)
Check and clean cameras, lenses and housings as necessary.
Check pictures for correct field of view and adjust as necessary.
Check and test remote signalling equipment (where fitted)
Check recording and playback quality
Check the satisfactory transmission of images to remote centre (where applicable)
Repair minor faults where necessary (additional costs may apply)
Retrain the users on the use of the CCTV system (if required)
Return the CCTV system to operational status.
All clients have specific and unique objectives on which Mantrac Security Systems will focus. We consider your decision to buy CCTV is just a first step; the design, installation, and after sales service ensures that all your particular objectives will be met, comprehensively, always.
Mantrac Security Systems delivers success through this personal approach to every client, and its attention to detail, combined with the unrivalled expertise in modern CCTV systems you would expect from leaders in the field.
Mantrac Security Systems prides itself in providing a full range of services in an ethical and reliable form, so that you can be assured that you too are protected.
to book your CCTV Servicing or for information about any of our other products or services via and we will call you for an obligation free chat or Service appointment.